How to Successfully Rebalance a Cryptocurrency Portfolio

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In my opinion, it’s better to create your own portfolio and make sure to add a stable coin like USDT or USDC in it to make your portfolio rebalancing a success. One of the best tools for that tricky endeavour but also maintaining diversification is portfolio rebalancing. In this article, I’m going to show you how to successfully rebalance a cryptocurrency portfolio successfully. Calendar rebalancing is much easier compared to the previous two strategies.

For example, one of the better performing experiments was rebalancing every hour. The report states that portfolios that select 10 cryptoassets at random and rebalanced the portfolio every hour, had a median average of performing 234% better than their hodl equivalents. With the same experiments except the rebalance period is once per month; you would have a 99.75% chance of outperforming hodling. Proportional mode checks your smart portfolio every five minutes and rebalances its allocations whenever price volatility causes them to fall outside the chosen percentage. Suppose you had a 50% allocation to BTC and a 50% allocation to ETH and set the rebalance trigger at 5%.

Data availability

One of our case studies has shown that portfolios rebalanced on an hourly basis perform up to 234% better than HODL strategies. But not all portfolio rebalances beat HODL – especially not inefficient ones. When you first invest, the assets inside your portfolio will likely be proportional – each asset will have the same value. But as your crypto investments go up, you’ll notice there’s no balance any more. The dollar value of one asset might grow extremely high, causing it to represent up to 80% of your total capital. Interestingly, some crypto portfolio trackers work just like trading platforms.

HANetf launches ETF model portfolio selection – Investment Week

HANetf launches ETF model portfolio selection.

Posted: Thu, 16 Feb 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Unsolicited advice is all too abundant on Twitter, but remember to keep a calm mind and do your own research. Do not give in to FOMO or succumb to FUD – sticking to a strategy is the difference between risk-minimised investing and gambling with your finances. They say you should only invest what you can XLM afford to lose, and in the case of leveraged trades, this can be a tough rule to follow. Flash loans allow strangers to borrow and lend cryptocurrencies instantly with no verification times or background checks –, but there’s a catch. The borrower has to repay the loan in the same transaction that provides it.

Auto rebalance crypto portfolios with OKX’s smart portfolio trading bot

You also have the option to rebalance manually or disable auto-rebalancing. Thematics, which are essentially theme-based crypto bundles, will allow you to use your interests, values, and beliefs to invest in a future you want to see. Each day Shrimpy executes over 200,000 automated trades on behalf of our investor community.

You can also construct your smart portfolio with up to 10 different cryptocurrencies. The strategy works best in particularly volatile markets and with assets whose prices are highly correlated. There are a few different approaches to rebalancing a cryptocurrency portfolio. One method is to set predetermined rebalancing intervals, such as monthly or quarterly, and make adjustments at those times. Another approach is to use a threshold-based system, where you only rebalance your portfolio when the difference between your current and your target allocation exceeds a certain percentage. To begin with a rebalancing strategy, an investor must first determine how much of their portfolio they want to allocate to each asset.

The articles and client support materials available are educational only and not investment or tax advice. Whether you create your own strategy or follow a premium community leader, we believe the power to automate belongs in the hands of every crypto investor. With decentralised lending pools, people can now borrow and lend money without involving a trusted third-party. However, this does require loans to be overcollateralised, enabling members to borrow money from a pool of assets on depositing collateral worth more. If the collateral value ever exceeds the value of the loan, the collateral is liquidated to cover the depreciation.


You can stop the trading bot by clicking Stop next to the open position. You will then be asked if you want to sell the crypto assets for USDT automatically or keep them. Well, I’m optimistic that with time we will have more crypto rebalancing tools. I would suggest 3commas as it offers features that will help you make more money from crypto trading. Their periodic auto-rebalancing will keep your portfolio diversified even in volatile markets, distribute risk across assets and bring profit from asset price fluctuations. In this whole process, you don’t even have to lift a finger, but you still get to enjoy peace of mind as well as save time.


However, an hourly crypto portfolio rebalancing strategy may not be feasible for casual and less-experienced traders, as it can be time-consuming. Novice traders may be better off choosing a longer and more manageable time interval instead. The primary advantage of crypto portfolio rebalancing is limiting your exposure to risk. By rebalancing, you minimize the minimum and maximum amount of money you can win or lose. Whenever an asset grows higher than it should, you sell it to make more room for other assets. And on the losing side, it forces you to sell assets that don’t perform well – you then reinvest those funds into better assets.

Thus, a value-based system is a more straightforward way for traders to keep track of the way their assets are allocated. CryptoSimple is an internet and mobile-based platform and advisory service that helps clients achieve specific financial goals. Since past performance does not guarantee future results, the value of your investment may fluctuate. For this reason, CryptoSimple recommends that you think about your investment objectives before investing. CryptoSimple does not provide tax or financial planning services. Now, it’s time to look at the tools that will help you rebalance your cryptocurrency portfolio.

Advantages of Crypto Portfolio Rebalancing

A crypto portfolio tracker refers to an app, a website or any platform that lets its users manage their investments. Basically, it allows them to keep track of how the crypto coins’ value changes over time. Therefore, if investing is an art, then portfolio management is the science behind it. Overseeing a set of crypto investments to ensure they meet long-term financial goals involves keeping track of many things. Between investing within your risk tolerance and predicting the highest growth investments, portfolio management is no walk in the park.

Investors tend to hold one half of their portfolio in Bitcoin and the other in Ethereum. If they wish to ensure a 50/50 split forever, they can incorporate a threshold rebalancing strategy. This would involve setting a 5% tolerance band so that the portfolio can maximally deviate to a 55/45 split. If one asset outperforms, the investor will sell it to buy the other asset. It requires you to weigh pros against cons, opportunities against threats, and risks against rewards, all while maximising expected returns within the appropriate risk exposure levels.

crypto rebalancing tools

Also, they avoid falling victim to FOMO if an‘s price unexpectedly spikes. Like it or not, the crypto market is a place full of volatility. Because of this, inexperienced investors tend to be more exposed to risk. In order to keep the risk at an acceptable level, monitoring and rebalancing a portfolio is crucial.

CryptoSimple is a cryptocurrency investing portfolio tool that allows you to invest in cryptocurrencies based on your financial goals and risk tolerance. Our crypto experts will look after your portfolio and help you achieve your goals. A combination of periodic and threshold rebalancing, hybrid rebalancing is the best of both worlds. With this type of rebalancing, an investor would adjust the portfolio allocation on a schedule but also when an asset’s value crosses a particular threshold. Which one you’ll use depends on how you want to manage your risk tolerance, portfolio diversification, and asset exposure.

  • The easiest way to become more risk-aware is to learn how different types of risk affect your portfolio.
  • Ultimately, portfolio rebalancing depends on your unique financial profile.
  • Investing into one or more of our automatically rebalancing indices could be the solution to your dilemma.
  • A security token can stand in for a variety of items, just like conventional securities.
  • There’s no invisible force that pulls an asset down once it goes up and pushes it up after falling down.

For example, imagine a trader has a portfolio with 50% BTC and 50% some other token. After some time, when the trader reviews his portfolio, BTC’s price is trending upwards while the other token is trending downwards or sideways. Based on the principles of portfolio rebalancing, the trader should sell BTC and buy the other token. Thus, before incorporating a portfolio rebalancing strategy, traders should do their own research and assess the value of their investments.

What is the easiest way to rebalance a portfolio?

Over time, a balanced portfolio can become lopsided as the value of your investments change. You can rebalance your investment portfolio in two primary ways: Sell off high-performing investments and redirect the returns. Pump additional funds into asset classes that need a boost.

Many are adopting this roach when looking after their crypto portfolio’s. This article provides a comparison of how rebalancing performs when compared to holding. Due to the cryptocurrency market’s volatility, investors may need frequent rebalancing, which can be costly and time-consuming. High-volume traders may not be able to do this by hand and might need to utilize cryptocurrency tax software. In a crypto portfolio, each cryptocurrency’s weighting is based on its value in fiat currency . Since the different cryptocurrencies are valued differently, a uniform weighting doesn’t imply a uniform quantity of each cryptocurrency.

If BTC price increases such that BTC now represents 55% or more of your smart portfolio, the trading bot automatically sells BTC and uses the proceeds to buy ETH. After the automatic rebalance, your smart portfolio will again be 50% BTC and 50% ETH. When one asset in the smart portfolio trends upward versus the others, the trading bot automatically starts to sell assets gradually, effectively taking profits. Portfolio rebalancing only works when the assets in a portfolio are generating value.

An investor, first of all, needs to decide and follow his investment period, since in most cases rebalancing will not give the desired effect over a short distance. Firstly, one of the biggest gifts that an investor can afford is a strategy that can eliminate emotions from investment decisions. Rather, it’s entirely normal for portfolios to get out of balance due to the constant fluctuation of investment prices.

Little wonder then that most investors practicing this frequent rebalancing strategy are statistically likely to outperform the ‘buy and hope’ investors in the crypto markets. As a completely free service, Shrimpy not only has portfolio tracking capabilities, but also lets users automate their entire cryptocurrency portfolio strategy in just a few easy steps. All users have to do is select their desired assets and allocations within their portfolio.


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