Sober Living vs Halfway House: What’s the Difference?

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Find recovery friendly housing accommodations in our housing directory. Safe Communities has compiled multiple resource directories for those in each step of recovery. It can be hard to make connections and succeed at things like a job or continue your education. Sober living homes are equipped with several resources to help you find your way after treatment.

  • Something important to note is that sober living houses are not the same as halfway houses.
  • Safe Communities has made an extensive list for the three major steps in recovery, community based recovery houses, employment resources, and post recovery housing.
  • Residents aren’t required to have completed rehab to join most sober homes, but there are other requirements for all residents.
  • But understanding how sober living homes work is a little bit tougher of a task for some of us.

Additionally, a sober living home may offer resources like career support, housing assistance and so forth, but each sober living home will differ in its requirements. Halfway houses have rules to enforce the sober environment of the home. A strict abstinence policy is central to the policies of all halfway houses. Residents are expected to participate in rehabilitative programs and to complete all court-mandated requirements, such as community service. Residents aren’t bound to the sober living home’s campus and can come and go as they please.

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When you were active in your addiction, not only did the relationships you had suffer, keeping up with obligations and maintaining your health fell to the wayside. In sober living, you will learn vital life skills you need to support yourself once you move out. Since sober living houses are in residential neighborhoods, backyards may also be available and will be part of the shared communal space. In addition to studying a larger number of offenders, we hope to explore an innovative intervention designed to improve outcomes for these residents in terms of employment, arrests, and other areas. Our intervention modifies motivational interviewing to address the specific needs of the offender population (Polcin, 2006b).

sober living house

Having retrained in addictions, he now works exclusively in the field and until recently was an advisor to the Scottish government on drugs policy. His opinions expressed here don’t necessarily represent the views of his employer. Find more of his writing, as well as a thought-provoking range of articles, insights and expert opinions on treatment and addiction, at

Do Sober Houses Work?

Recovering addicts can practice life skills, such as paying rent and maintaining a clean living space, while surrounded by other sober individuals. While many sober living homes and substance abuse halfway houses teach skills that would benefit anyone, certain segments of the population tend to be more in need of their services Selecting the Most Suitable Sober House for Addiction Recovery than others. Without these guidelines in place, there wouldn’t be much support or structure, which is the whole point of living in a substance abuse halfway house or sober living home instead of on your own. You might be wondering how long most people stay at a substance abuse halfway house or sober living home.

What does sober mean LDS?

A sober person is one who has calm and dispassionate judgment and is not desirous of great things or high estate but is free from extravagance or excess. Such a person is guided by sound reason and is sane and rational. Interestingly, sober is also connected to fasting.

For those who decide to spend some time in a substance abuse halfway house, there will be plenty of benefits. These measures were taken from the Important People Instrument (Zywiak, et al., 2002). The instrument allows participants to identify up to 12 important people in his or her network whom they have had contact with in the past six months. The drinking status of the social network was calculated by multiplying the amount of contact by the drinking pattern of each network member, averaged across the network. The same method is applied to obtain the drug status of the network member; the amount of contact is multiplied by the pattern of drug use and averaged across network members.

Sober living homes, Sober living communities, Sober houses, Sober homes

These funds will only assist the individual for four months unless a waiver is approved. Voucher recipients must be willing to participate in a staffing with their support system and submit a recovery housing plan within 30 days. An inpatient treatment center requires 30 days where the recovering addict will check-in and stay at the facility for ongoing therapy and treatment. While similar to sober living in that patients also live at the residential facility, inpatient treatment requires residents to adhere to a strict daily schedule. The two types of recovery houses assessed in this study showed different strengths and weaknesses and served different types of individuals. Communities and addiction treatment systems should therefore carefully assess the types of recovery housing that might be most helpful to their communities.

sober living house

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) originated in the 1930s and provided the steppingstones for sober housing by requiring strict sobriety, participation in the community, peer support, and a 12-step program. However, AA did little to address housing needs for its participants as they worked through the program. In the communal home, residents must pay their own way and may be required to take on more responsibility than they would in a rehab center. For example, members must often pay for rent and hold a steady job or attend school. They must also contribute to the community by helping with chores, taking responsibility for their actions, and respecting and obeying all house rules.


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